Monday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

(Hosea 2:16.17c-18.21-22; Matthew 9:18-26)

Reminiscing about the Great Depression, a wealthy woman mentioned how life was better then.  She said that her family had to share its possessions with unemployed families. The sharing resulted in greater unity and blessing.  Today’s reading from the prophet Hosea promises a similarly beneficial development for Israel.

Hosea sees Israel as God’s unfaithful wife. Although paganism does not exhaust the nation’s sins, it occupies most of the prophet’s criticism in this passage.  Hosea has commented in other places that the prosperity which the nation enjoys has been turned into silver and gold idols. The only remedy for such evil is for God to strip the nation of its riches, indeed of its very land.  In exile she will come to recognize her sins and return to the Lord.

Economic depression and exile are hard ways to learn the lessons of life.  They often create desperation and moral dissolution. We are wise to ask God to reform us in gentler ways.  May He open our eyes daily to His goodness and our hearts to share with those in need.


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