Thursday, July 4, 2024

Thursday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time

(Amos 7:10-17; Matthew 9:1-8)

In the past on the Fourth of July Americans proudly expressed their patriotism.  Many participated in parades and some in special prayer services to show their gratitude for their strong, prosperous, and free society.  This year, however, patriotism invokes more critical self-examination than celebration.  Americans should take time to consider what is going wrong in their country. Public opinion is radically divided on vital issues like immigration and family.  More worrisome, the specter of anarchy looms with the upcoming elections.

The country’s predicament is akin to that of Israel at the time of Amos.  Today’s first reading shows how the prophet is condemned for speaking out against the injustices of the nation.  He chastised the people for ignoring the poor and following other gods.  Is this not like what is happening in the United States when nuclear families are not strengthened?  Are not the gods of pleasure and of self eclipsing the true God of Israel?

In the gospel Jesus forgives the sins of the paralytic before he cures his lameness.  The United States should seek forgiveness for its wandering from the path of justice.  Remedying the causes of injustice, it will walk proudly again.

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