Tuesday, July 16, 2024

(Optional) Memorial of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

(Isaiah 7:1-9; Matthew 11:20-24)

Today’s first reading presents King Ahaz of Judah as a fearful man.  Two enemies, Israel and Aram, are threatening to attack his country.  Rather than trust in the Lord as the prophet Isaiah advises, the king sacrifices his son in a holocaust offering of appeasement.  He also seeks an alliance with mighty Assyria. In the end Assyria crushes Israel and Aram, and Judah becomes a vassal state.

This bit of history contains an enormous lesson.  Faith in God and appeal to His mercy is paramount for us.  When we swerve from God’s law and when we ignore the advice of prophets, not only we will suffer but also those around us. 

The celebration of Our Lady of Mount Carmel today serves as a counterexample.  This visualization of our Blessed Mother presents to devotees a brown scapular as a protection against physical and spiritual troubles.  It is not believed that the scapular has any healing power.  But it does express the faith of the bearer that God through Mary’s intercession will provide the grace to overcome life’s challenges.

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