Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Wednesday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

(Hosea 10:1-3.7-8.12; Matthew 10:1-7)

In today’s first reading the prophet Hosea rails against Israel for its injustice.  He says that the more the nation experiences prosperity, the more it turns from its Lord.  The prophet finds little hope for such a people.  He predicts the end of its kingdom and despair for its people.

Modern western nations will do well to see if they are not following Israel’s path to ruin.  Once firmly established on biblical morality, these nations are no longer uphold the nuclear family.  They allow human embryos to be discarded and desperate women to take the lives of the children forming in their wombs.  Many predict that these peoples will experience loss of culture if they do not come to their senses.

Such a warning will be dismissed by some as religion meddling in public affairs.  This is a red herring meant to distract people from the seriousness of the issue.  Obviously, there will be significant changes when a people no longer desire to have progeny.  Other people will come and fill their space.  The loss of western civilization will mean the impoverishment of culture with perhaps great social upheaval.

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