Thursday, August 22, 2024

Memorial of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

(Ezekiel 376:23-28; Matthew 22:1-14)

In the Our Father we pray that God’s name will be made holy.  In today’s first reading the prophet Ezekiel explains how God achieves this holiness.  He says that God will reform those who have profaned it.  He will take His people from the many nations to which they have been scattered.  He will cleanse them with the water of his word and retool them with new hearts.  Most importantly, he will tune their new hearts with a spirit of goodwill.  Then their mercy and justice signify His holiness. 

God does not stand aloof and much less hold disdain for profaners of His name.  Rather He actively pursues their true welfare.  In imitation of Him saints like Mother Teresa of Kolkata are seen as holy not for their contemplation although they prayed deeply and often.  They will reflect God’s holiness by their consistent care of others.

On this memorial of the Queenship of Mary we pray for the grace to practice God’s holiness.  May Mary’s prayers move the Spirit within us to address the needs of brothers and sisters.


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