Monday, September 2, 2024


Monday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time

(I Corinthians 2:1-5; Luke 4:16-30)

Jesus’ discourse in Nazareth’s synagogue might have been delivered to the Labor Day Breakfast of the AFL-CIO.  It clearly addresses social concerns with a priority of the poor.  Jesus knows that men and women need fair wages, affordable health insurance, and freedom to associate so that they can avoid desperation and thank God.

Jesus was no slouch in the social arena.  He continually raged against Pharisees for burdening peasants with unimportant religious niceties.  The sermon today, which has been seen as an inaugural address, presents Jesus’ enlightened position on a number of issues including assistance to the needy and aid to the persecuted.

Despite the huge differences in the two major political parties of the United States, it is encouraging to see both championing the poor.  Government, after all, has a role to play in the development of a society although it is not as important to that end as the family.

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