Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tuesday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time

(Proverbs 21:1-6.10-13; Luke 8:19-21)

“The Lord is kind and merciful” one of the psalms says.  God’s people are to imitate these qualities. The Book of Proverbs can be seen as their text with Jesus as their great teacher.

Humility, the virtue of thinking less of oneself and more of others, is vital to the task.  So, today’s passage from Proverbs says that “haughty eyes and a proud heart” lead to sin.  Attention to the needs of others leads to both mercy and kindness.  So, we read that one is not to shut his or her “ear to the cry of the poor.”

Long ago, children watching on TV “The Mickey Mouse Club” were told that proverbs make them “better Mouseketeers.”  It did not have to be said, but it is true, that a good Mouseketeer is also a healthy child of God.

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