Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Memorial of Saint Francis Xavier, priest

(Isaiah 11:1-10; Luke 10:21-24)

Isaiah’s incomparable vision of universal reconciliation is matched today with the gospel showing Jesus, Son of God Almighty, inviting the humble of the world to rest in him.  As lambs are said to lie with wolves, so the weakest can, since Jesus, rest with the Lord of hosts.

With desire to impart Isaiah’s vision and its fulfilment in Jesus, Francis Xavier left home and friends for the Orient.  He tirelessly preached the gospel of salvation to reconcile East and West for the glory of God.

We may not feel called to join missionaries in far-away places.  Nevertheless, as Jesus’ followers, we are summoned to reconcile different kinds of people.  Be they members of different races or people of different temperaments, Christians in Jesus’ name should promote understanding to secure peace among all.

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