The Epiphany of the Lord, January 5, 2025
(Isaiah 60:1-6; Ephesians 3:2-3, 5-6; Matthew 2:1-12)
Today’s Gospel is a gem cherished by all Christians. But
before reflecting on it, I want to examine the first reading, which also summons
our attention.
Catholics are quite familiar with the Book of the Prophet
Isaiah. It appears often as the first reading at Sunday Mass, especially during
the Advent and Christmas seasons. At the beginning of Advent, we always hear
Isaiah proclaiming the hope of every nation. He offers a vision of the whole
world streaming to Jerusalem to learn the ways of God. He says, “They shall
beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks” (Is
This same book informs us today that the inhabitants of
Jerusalem have returned from exile in Babylon with a similar vision. “Nations
shall walk by your light,” the book proclaims, “and kings by your shining radiance.”
In other words, the people of Jerusalem will be like the lights of a harbor attracting
the nations of the world to learn the ways of God. Today, Jews attempt to shine
such a light by burning candles in the celebration of Hanukkah for eight days.
Of course, the lighted candles symbolize their acts of charity.
Now we can better understand the significance of the star
guiding the Magi in the Gospel. It represents the fulfillment of Isaiah’s
prophecy about nations coming to Jerusalem to learn how to live in peace. The
star is the light that leads the Magi, representing the nations of the world,
to Jerusalem. From there, they are directed to the child Jesus in Bethlehem.
The sight of the child with his mother is enough to satisfy their longing for
peace. Yet it will be the teachings and, above all, the works of Jesus as an
adult that will bring about lasting peace, that is our eternal salvation.
Recently, one of the most widely read journalists in the
United States wrote about his journey to Christ. David Brooks was raised in a
Jewish family. As a young man, he practiced no religion but was not devoid of
spiritual values. Then he experienced various moments of wonder and
clarity—moments of light. One such moment occurred when he looked around on a
subway and saw not just bodies, but souls infused with the divine spark. Later,
in another moment of light, he grasped the paradoxical truth of Jesus'
Beatitudes. It is the poor in spirit, those who recognize God as their Savior, that
are truly blessed. It is those who can mourn with the sorrowful that will be
comforted. Today, David Brooks cannot help but see Jesus as the light of the
The second reading reveals how Isaiah’s prophecy has been
fulfilled in the world. The Holy Spirit guided the apostles to teach the Gospel
to all nations. As a result, non-Jews (“Gentiles”), like the Jews in Jerusalem
on Pentecost, have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord.
When we carefully examine Jesus’ teachings and deeds, it
becomes difficult not to recognize Him as the light emanating from Jerusalem,
uniting the world in peace. He provides us with the Holy Spirit, so that
we may share in His divine life for all eternity. As people imbued with the
divine, we can set aside swords and spears to build God’s Kingdom of love.